Finding Sam - Snack Size Fiction

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Finding Sam

Michael takes a cooking class to meet women. The woman he needs his help to answer a ten-year-old question.

I took a cooking class to meet women. Instead, I met Rosie. With ocean blue eyes, a vibrant smile, and sweet personality, Rosie was a young ninety. She was also completely convinced I was her missing son.

On the first day of class, I arrived late. My reward was a spot in the back next to a five-foot geriatric who, I was told, took the class regularly. “Rosie can make everything we cook,” said the instructor. I held back a comment about not actually being there to learn to cook and shuffled to the back. The moment I took my spot and turned to greet my new partner her eyes lit up and her hands reached out to grip my shoulders.


“It’s Michael . . .” I started, but she was already pulling me into a hug. I could have easily resisted her bird-like arms, but I let her pull me in. Her head only came up to my chest and I patted her shoulder awkwardly.

She pushed me back and looked up to my face, “Where on earth have you been? How could you do that to your mother? You just stopped visiting, stopped calling. I was so worried.”

I immediately disliked Sam.

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Allison Spooner

Allison Spooner brings worlds, characters, and stories to life in as few words as possible. In the last two years, she's published two books of short fiction; Flash in the Dark: A Collection of Flash Fiction and The Problem With Humans: And Other Stories. Allison’s writing crosses genres and has been compared to The Twilight Zone and Harlon Ellison.

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